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Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program/Community-Based Initiative in Detroit

Kimson Bryant, 2015

  • Social Policy and Evaluation

Kimson Bryant is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served on the island of St. Kitts, located in the Eastern Caribbean. During her time with the Peace Corps, Bryant was a youth development volunteer assigned to work as a member of the local high school’s guidance and counseling department. 

When she returned to U-M at the conclusion of her assignment, Kimson became the first Coverdell Fellow at SSW. She continues to build upon and utilize the skills she acquired in St. Kitts with a similar immersive experience in Detroit with the Community-Based Initiative. 

When she graduates, Kimson plans on putting her CBI and Peace Corps experiences to work at the community level evaluating and impacting policy and treatment of older adults. 

“I was selected by the Coverdell Fellows Program to be included in a great community of individuals who seek to be change agents in urban communities throughout the country. The funding I have received through the program assures that the cost of attending isn’t weighing down on me and I don’t have to make a choice between working and learning. This allows me to focus on what I need to do to become an agent for change. ”

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