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MSW Scholarship

Megan Sims-Fujita

As an undergraduate from the University of Michigan Women’s Studies Program, Megan Sims-Fujita already had hands-on experience during a nursing study abroad in Honduras, where she taught reproductive health.

"I loved working directly with students in Honduras, because they were so open to learning about health issues. I was so fortunate to have direct access to leaders in the field of Women’s Studies, particularly U-M Nursing School faculty Joanne Motino Bailey and Lisa Kane Low, who led the study. I was learning from the best and knew I wanted to continue on the path of doing service for others."

After graduation, Megan worked at SafeHouse Center where she counseled victims of domestic abuse, and applied to the MSW program.

"The recruiting process gave me a chance to meet with other students, talk with faculty and visit the School. It was everything I needed to make the best decision for me."

She admits that the crowning touch to being accepted by a top-notch school is the generous financial aid package offered to her through her Graduate Student Staff Assistant position, including full tuition, a living stipend and healthcare coverage.

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