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Jacob Ehrlich

Jewish Communal Leadership Program Class of 2018

Jacob Ehrlich lives in Detroit and works as Operations and Engagement Manager for Congregation T'chiyahas well as the Music Enrichment Specialist at Jewish Hospice & Chaplaincy Network. Originally from Westhampton, NY, he holds a BA from Hampshire College, where he studied comparative religion and completed a thesis project exploring the philosophical and sociological resonances between Jewish and Hindu devotional movements. For his field placement, Jacob worked with the Jewish Hospice and Chaplaincy Network, working to address the psycho-social and spiritual care needs of clients and their families as they navigate the end-of-life. As an activist and aspiring spiritual leader, Jacob appreciated the unique opportunity that JCLP affords to integrate social justice, spirituality, and Jewish learning into the practice of micro- and macro-level social work, and enjoyed two fulfilling years of intensive learning and fellowship.

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