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University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center 2024-2029 (Supplement)
SubK Title: Evaluation of a school-based social and material needs identification system to prevent youth violence

Douglas Wiebe


The University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center is an Injury Control Research Center benefits from the vast educational, research, outreach, and policy resources of the University of Michigan to address the burden of injury in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. The U-M Injury Prevention Center conducts, translates, and accelerates injury prevention research into practice and policy to reduce the burden of injuries across the Great Lakes and the U.S. With over 1,000 members from over 35 institutions and faculty leadership from more than 14 departments, the Center brings together many disciplines to focus on injury prevention. The Center has 12 years of experience conducting injury prevention research, outreach, and translation, as well as educating the next generation of injury scientists and practitioners. The Center vision is to continue to be a sustainable and evolving Center that conducts research, training, education, and outreach informed by the engagement of our diverse communities with the goals of reducing injuries and violence and improving outcomes for our region and country. The proposed Center is organized in three cores (Administrative Core with Research Administration, Outreach Core with a Translation and Implementation Science Workgroup and Policy Workgroup, and Training and Education Core) and four research projects. The Center provides the infrastructure to coordinate a collaborative injury prevention agenda focused on the most pressing injury and violence concerns in our state and the Great Lakes region which include NCIPC research priority areas: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Suicide Prevention and Drug Overdose (Director’s Priorities), Transportation Safety, Older Adult Falls, Cross-Cutting Violence Prevention, and Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury). The Center will continue teaching and mentoring undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students, as well as junior faculty across disciplines, including medicine, public health, behavioral and social sciences, biostatistics, biomechanics, epidemiology, law, criminal justice, nursing, kinesiology, and policy. We will provide outreach, technical assistance, and consultation on translating research into practice through supporting relationships with state health departments, local researchers, practitioners, and community stakeholders. The Center supports the Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance, serves on The Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research Council of Centers, and provides the framework for a coordinated, collaborative injury prevention agenda serving the Great Lakes Region with active reach throughout the United States.

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