To advance knowledge on the relationships between organizational attributes (e.g., capacity, finances, structure, and staff and client composition) and client-provider and interprofessional collaboration patterns, the current pilot will produce a comprehensive quantitative data set with provider- and organization-level information that will be further analyzed though a subsequent mixed-method R01 (3-year) study. The R01 study will investigate how various funding sources (e.g., proportions of revenue from Medicaid, private insurance, and Ryan White), organizational policies and infrastructures (e.g., flexibility in work routines and electronic referral tracking systems), and staff and clients compositions (e.g., proportions of staff with lived experience of HIV and clients with dual HIV and substance use disorder diagnoses) influence not just client-provider and provider-provider interprofessional collaboration patterns, but also organizational service outputs (e.g., service offering changes and proportions of clients utilized a range of social and health services) quantitatively with the comprehensive dataset generated from this pilot study and qualitatively with case studies of six organizations (two in each state)