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Brightmoor Up from the Infant Out, Program Design and Evaluation Plan

Brightmoor Up hopes to engage the entire Brightmoor community in contributing to the wellbeing of children 0-5 by practicing 6aDays(1) and by developing prosperity plants for everyone in the household. The prosperity plans will identify the long and short term goals that contribute to each family member’s total well-being(2). The Brightmoor Up program will encourage achievement of goals and celebrate the achievement of milestones as a community. The program will also encourage the sharing of success strategies between neighbors in the hopes that positive practices will spread across the community. The overarching intent of rightmoor Up is to shift the culture in the community towards a mutual aid mindset and where community members work together to support children and family wellbeing. Each family enrolled in the program has the ability to benefit from the dozens of programs available through the Brightmoor Alliance and its partner organizations in a coordinated and strategic way that builds their capacities and promotes their social and emotional wellbeing. By layering in multiple supports and resources for families over time and working with new cohorts of families each year, the Brightmoor Alliance seeks to realize community-level change.

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