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CASC Events

  • MSW Info Session: Micro Focus, for CASC Preferred Admissions

    October 8, 2014 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    Come and join us if you're interested in a micro focus program. Topics include clinical, integrative, child welfare, and geriatrics. Please note, this event is only open to declared CASC minors who are interested in the preferred admissions program.  

  • A City on Fire: The Story of the '68 Detroit Tigers

    October 1, 2014 - 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET

    Stephen Ward (Faculty Director of Semester in Detroit, Afroamerican and African Studies) and CASC advisor and LEO lecturer Joe Galura will host a screening of "A City on Fire: The story of the ’68 Detroit Tigers”. The film showing will be followed by a discussion.

    This event is part of this fall's LSA Theme Semester, Sports and the University. Food will be provided.

    Click here to view a full list of Sport and the University events »

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  • CASC Info Session

    September 26, 2014 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Interested in learning more about the Community Action and Social Change minor? Come to this info session to learn more about the CASC community, what CASC is and what it can offer you in your undergraduate program, the types of courses you'll take, and the available opportunities for CASC students after graduation! 

  • MSW General Information Session for CASC Preferred Admissions

    September 23, 2014 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Interested in learning more about receiving a masters degree in scoial work? Come to this event to learn more! Please note, this event is only open to declared CASC minors who are interested in the preferred admissions program. 

  • So Cool, So Just - Student Org. Fair

    September 18, 2014 - 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM ET

    Come check out the amazing student orgs on campus dedicated to social change. Over 30 orgs representing a diverse array of social justice causes and movements will be there. Find the group that speaks to you and start making change! 

    An admissions representative will Press enter to read full text...

  • CASC Welcome Back Ice Cream Social

    September 16, 2014 - 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET

    Join CASC students and staff for a welcome back event! Eat free ice cream (dairy-free included), talk community action and social change, reconnect with the CASC community, get important updates on upcoming CASC programming, join the student board and academic advising, and soak in the last days of summer!

  • CASC Info Session

    September 12, 2014 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Interested in learning more about the Community Action and Social Change minor? Come to this info session to learn more about the CASC community, what CASC is and what it can offer you in your undergraduate program, the types of courses you'll take, and the available opportunities for CASC students after graduation! 

  • MSW Welcome Dinner, for CASC Alumni

    September 11, 2014 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    What's a better way to talk about community action and social change than over a free dinner? This is a wonderful opportunity to [re]connect with others interested in social work and social change! 

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