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Undoing Racism Community Meeting


Join us for our first meeting of the semester to build community collaboration and continue the conversation about anti-racist practice and actions.

Undoing Racism is a community collective of students, staff, and faculty in the School of Social Work dedicated to fighting white supremacy at individual, school and structural levels. This workgroup was established in 2019 after the community took part in the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond Undoing Racism workshops, and builds on their anti-racist community organizing model. Our work has been largely focused on building collective community and emphasizes the role that white members of our community must take on to dismantle and undo white supremacist structures. 

We know there are many important efforts going on at SSW; Undoing Racism will amplify all these efforts, including the advocacy sparked by MSW and Doctoral students. No matter what role you play here at SSW, you are always welcome and encouraged to come to Undoing Racism meetings.

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Event Details

  • Online
  • Undoing Racism Workgroup
  • [email protected]
  • 1/21/2021 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
This event has no location.

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