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  1. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee Receives a 2025 SSWR Excellence in Research Award

    Professor Shawna Lee has received a Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Excellence in Research Award as a co-author on the paper, "Family stress processes underlying material hardship and parental detachment and warmth amongst racially diverse fathers and mothers with low income" in the Journal of Family Violence.

  2. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee’s Research Cited in Tech Explorist

    Professor Shawna Lee’s research on how fathers are connecting with their children — despite economic hardship and negative stereotypes — has been cited in an article on Tech Explorist. Lee and her co-authors call for these positive experiences to be reflected in the media and for health care providers to support father-inclusive practices.

  3. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee Named Co-Editor-in-Chief of Children and Youth Services Review

    Professor Shawna Lee has been appointed as a new Co-Editor-in-Chief of Children and Youth Services Review.

    “I am excited to take on the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief at Children and Youth Services Review. I look forward to working with the other editors to continue to increase the representation of BIPOC scholars, international scholars and junior scholars on the CYSR team,” said Lee. “One of the things that I appreciate about Children and Youth Services Review is its focus on children's experiences. The journal places children's experiences and the impact of policy and practice on children at the forefront. In so doing, CYSR centers youths' perspectives.”

  4. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee Appointed Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

    Professor Shawna Lee was appointed the new Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (ADFA) as of January 2024. As ADFA, she is responsible for all academic personnel processes, including faculty recruiting, mentoring and development, promotion and tenure, and annual merit reviews.  

    After receiving five degrees from U-M (including her MSW and PhD in Social Work and Psychology), Lee joined the School faculty as an associate professor in 2012. She is the director of the Parenting in Context Research Lab and was the director of the School’s Program Evaluation Group from 2019-2023. She is the principal investigator and was the inaugural director of U-M’s statewide Title IV-E educational program.

    Lee’s research focuses on parenting, child development, child maltreatment prevention and fatherhood. She co-led the Michigan Child Welfare Inter-University Consortium to bring together over 18 schools of social work to provide access to child welfare education and training for students across the state. She worked with the Michigan Children's Services Agency to update the state child welfare certificate educational requirements. She serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the academic journal Children and Youth Services Review.

    • January 3, 2024
  5. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee Receives the Diversity and Inclusion in Men in Families Research Article Award

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee and Joyce Lee, PhD ‘21, are coauthors of “Longitudinal relations between coparenting and father engagement in low-income residential and nonresidential father families”, published in the Journal of Family Psychology. Their paper was awarded the Diversity and Inclusion in Men in Families Research Article Award from the National Council on Family Relations and was recognized for its contribution to advancing the science on the role of men in families.

    • August 17, 2021
  6. Shawna J. Lee
    Parenting in Context Research Lab Found Parents are Overwhelmed

    A new study from Parenting in Context Research Lab found parents are overwhelmed, kids are anxious and economic hardship is common during the pandemic. The pandemic presents parents with new challenges on how best to prepare and support their children for a different school experience. In the early days of the pandemic, nearly 80% of parents were educating their children at home.

  7. Shawna J. Lee
    How to Tell if It’s More Than a Bad Mood?

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee’s research is cited in a New York Times article that discusses how the tremendous changes wrought by the pandemic can mimic, mask or amplify depression-like feelings.  According to the research she conducted in April, a third of respondents reported symptoms of depression including fatigue, insomnia and feelings of hopelessness.

  8. Shawna J. Lee
    The Stress of Parenting During a Pandemic

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee, author of a recent study on the stress of parenting amid this crisis talks with Tonya Mosley from Here & Now a National Public Radio live midday news program. 

  9. Shawna J. Lee
    We Can’t Forget Michigan's Abused and Neglected Children During COVID-19

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee and members of the Michigan Child Welfare Inter-University Consortium wrote an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press,” We can’t forget Michigan's abused and neglected children during COVID-19.”

  10. Shawna J. Lee
    Shawna Lee Appointed New Program Evaluation Group Director

    Shawna Lee, associate professor of social work, was appointed the director of the Program Evaluation Group, known as PEG, effective September 2019. Lee will bring her extensive knowledge and experience to the Program Evaluation Group. PEG’s mission is to provide professional evaluation services to a broad range of partners, including community-based organizations, social service providers, and university-based entities. PEG’s professional evaluation staff also train social work students in evaluation practice. PEG has a strong presence in Detroit and statewide, and has ongoing projects with collaborators such as the Kresge Foundation and the United Neighborhood Initiative.

    Lee joined the School in 2012. She completed the Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Psychology at the University of Michigan, where she was a National Institutes of Health (NIH) predoctoral trainee in prevention research. She was a postdoctoral research scholar at the Columbia University School of Social Work.

    Lee founded the Parenting in Context Research Lab whose research and community-based intervention work focuses on the role of fathers in promoting child and family wellbeing. She leads the design, implementation and evaluation of an intervention for low-income fathers in collaboration with Healthy Start home visitation program sites throughout Michigan. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, and the Fatherhood Research Practice Network. Lee teaches courses in research methods, program evaluation and social policy.

    Lee is on the editorial board of Child Maltreatment and Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal. She was named a 2017 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Fellow.

    • September 25, 2019

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