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School of Social Work News

  1. Change Kwesele
    Words Matter: Insights on Conversations About Race

    PhD student Change Kwesele recently published ‘It’s Not a Quick Fix.’ Notes for the ‘good’ white people: Insights on conversations about race at work” on Medium.  Kwesele breaks down why the choice of words matters.  “White people must be mindful of how certain ‘polite’ words and conversations have been used to harm Black people.”

    We Grieve for Robert Fuller and Malcolm Harsch

    Dear Michigan Social Work Community,

    Today, we name Robert Fuller and Malcolm Harsch. We grieve with their families and with too many other families facing similar loss.  We endorse the further investigations of their deaths which are overseen by the FBI and the state of California.  At the same time, we know that many in our SSW community feel tired, scared and outraged about these deaths in the midst of so many others in our nation. The number of deaths and frequency of violence towards Black men and women make some worry about the potential futility of efforts to stand up against white supremacy and anti-racism.  We cannot be discouraged.  We call on everyone, and especially our white social work colleagues, not to close our eyes and look away. Being anti-racist is an active state of being. We must continue to work towards all that is just. 

    In solidarity (in word and action),

    Larry Gant, Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program, and Professor of Social Work
    Lorraine Gutiérrez, Associate Dean for Educational Programs and Professor of Social Work
    Barbara Hiltz, MSW Program Director and Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work 
    Lynn Videka, Dean and Carol T. Mowbray Collegiate Professor of Social Work



    • June 17, 2020
  3. Abigail H. Eiler
    Abigail Eiler Appointed to Big Ten Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Coalition

    Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work Abigail Eiler was appointed to the Big Ten Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Coalition. The coalition will encourage, educate and empower student-athletes and will develop tangible and actionable efforts in a collective manner and provide viable solutions addressing the issues of hate and racism in our society.

    TAKE ACTION: Help Protect Transgender People from Health Care Discrimination

    The University of Michigan School of Social Work stands for health equity and equal human rights for the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Over the weekend the federal government reversed an important Obama administration ruling that provided access and nondiscrimination in insurance coverage for transgender and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people in the United States. This impacts transgender individuals the most, and even more so, transgender people of color. 

    Assistant Professor Shanna Kattari, eloquently summarizes what each and every social worker can do to stand up for equal justice in their practice and in their advocacy.  As social workers, join us in standing up now for equal rights and health services for transgender people of all races. 

    If you are eligible, be sure to cast your vote in the primary (August) and general (November) elections. Voting influences public policy!


    National Center for Transgender Equality - Know Your Rights in Health Care

    Transgender Law Center - 10 Tips for Working with Transgender Patients

    Black Trans Advocacy Coalition

    Black Trans Health Initiative

    Transcend the Binary (a Michigan organization)

    Fenway Health on the health of Black LGBTQ+ people

    What do I need to know about trans health care?

    Movement Advancement Project health care laws and policies

    • June 15, 2020
  5. Rogério Meireles Pinto
    Protests Can be a Powerful Strategy to Enact Change

    In light of COVID-19, and ongoing protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Professor and Associate Dean of Research Rogério M. Pinto spoke to MLive about both the timing and the power of this moment of unrest.  “Protests can be a powerful strategy to enact change, and already the movement has scored some results. That includes having criminal charges filed against all four Minneapolis police officers involved in Floyd’s death and upgrading of charges from third- to second-degree homicide for the officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck. “The simple fact they’ve been charged already is a phenomenal result.”

    Take a Stand Against the Structures that Perpetuate and Tolerate Killings of Black Americans

    "We must move past indecision to action...If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark, and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.”
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    Dear Social Work Community,

    In the past few days, as we listened the news we felt appalled at the at the knee-choke-hold that killed George Floyd in Minneapolis, while the nation was still reeling from the brazen murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and the killings of Breonna Taylor and Sean Reed.  And all of this in the midst of the racial disparities of the COVID pandemic, in which Black and Latino Americans are killed disproportionately due to effects of underlying social inequality in income, in nutrition and in health care. 

    On Thursday, May 28, 2020, Sidney Arrington, MSW student, raised concerns clearly, painfully and with an acknowledgement that our social work community can and should do more. Her courageous efforts inspired students, faculty and staff.  We apologize to Sidney that it was she and not us who spoke first.

    We admire the collective spirit of our community that compels and validates the importance of action, leadership and solutions. We are grateful for the supportive responses and the calls for action.

    We are working diligently on the School's call to action. These include: 

    • a town hall in the memory of George Floyd, scheduled for Tuesday, June 2 at 5 PM.
    • a message from the Associate Dean and MSW Program Director to faculty about the importance of discussing and addressing in class the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and other acts of racial violence. 
    • a workshop for faculty and field instructors is being developed with Continuing Education.
    • a group of faculty teaching this summer have already begun to discuss these events with their classes.

    Yes, we have been an academically remote program for several months. However, offering classes  remotely is not a justification for emotional insensitivity or a lack of action. Not now. Not ever. Our School, the University of Michigan School of Social Work, must take a strong stance protesting these unjust deaths.

    We encourage our community — students, staff, alumni and faculty — to provide suggestions for  actions we should take now and in the future.  We call on the leadership group of students, faculty and staff to construct a clear and visible strategy to be responsive and sensitive. We will work to activate every member of our community to take a stand against the structures that perpetuate and tolerate killings of Black Americans.  And Asian Americans.  And Latinx Americans.

    This is our work as social workers.  Students, thank you for calling us to action.

    In Solidarity,

    Lynn Videka, Dean
    Tim Colenback, Assistant Dean for Student Services
    Larry M. Gant, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program
    Lorraine M. Gutiérrez, Associate Dean for Educational Programs

    • May 29, 2020
  7. Karla  Goldman
    Reform Judaism is a Wounded Giant

    Professor Karla Goldman’s article in Forward discusses how the economic disruptions of the coronavirus add to the woes that have been threatening the viability of the historic institutions and programs that support Reform Judaism.

  8. Shawna J. Lee
    How to Tell if It’s More Than a Bad Mood?

    Associate Professor Shawna Lee’s research is cited in a New York Times article that discusses how the tremendous changes wrought by the pandemic can mimic, mask or amplify depression-like feelings.  According to the research she conducted in April, a third of respondents reported symptoms of depression including fatigue, insomnia and feelings of hopelessness.

  9. Lisa Fedina
    What Is the Role of Economic Insecurity in Health? The Unequal Burden of Sexual Assault Among Women

    The recent APA Journals Article Spotlight included Assistant Professor Lisa Fedina’s article exploring how economic factors related to housing, food and health care affect survivors of sexual assault.

  10. Katrina R. Ellis
    Katrina Ellis Evaluating Virtual Senior Center in Detroit

    Assistant Professor Katrina Ellis is part of a team of U-M researchers evaluating the programs at the Silver Center, which offers enrichment and educational classes via phone to help adults 60 years old or older stay connected. While the program predates the pandemic, it has become especially timely for older adults who may have little or no access to technology and are isolated at home. The U-M team will evaluate how these activities may have helped participants cope with the isolation and stress of the COVID-19 pandemic.  “We will learn what went well, what can be improved and how we could expand the program,” Ellis said. “This can bring attention to new ways of delivering services to older adults. We also hope that it increases awareness of community resources and opportunities for learning new things.”

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