Brad Zebrack's poster, "Trajectories of Distress and Psychosocial Support Service Use Among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients" was awarded Best Research Poster at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society annual meeting.
David Cordova and Sandra Momper were both speakers at the recent Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, "The Potential of Interdisciplinary Research at the Intersection of Race/Ethnicity/Culture and Mental Health". The focus of the workshop was to facilitate conversation and research collaborations among graduate students and faculty across disciplines, at the intersection of race, ethnicity, culture, and mental health.
Lamia Moghnie, PhD candidate (Social Work & Anthropology) has been awarded a Barbour Scholarship from the Rackham Graduate School for 2013-2014. Barbour established a U-M scholarship for women of the highest academic and professional caliber from the area formerly known as the Orient (encompassing the lands extending from Turkey in the west to Japan and the Philippines in the east) to study modern science, medicine, mathematics and other academic disciplines and professions critical to the development of their native lands.
Jorge Delva, was selected to receive a 2013 Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award. This award honors the accomplishments of faculty who demonstrate consistent, high-quality mentoring in areas of clinical and translational research.
Associate Professor Edith Kieffer has an article in the American Journal of Community Psychology highlighting the impact of the Healthy MOMs healthy lifestyle intervention on depressive symptoms among pregnant and early postpartum Latinas in Detroit.
SSW was recognized by Planet Blue for encouraging sustainable actions, designing and developing communal spaces, optimizing our building, and "creating a culture of sustainable behavior that is lasting."
"Sex Matters for Women: A complete guide to taking care of your sexual self", 2nd edition, 2012, written by Sallie Foley, Sally Kope and Dennis Sugrue, was awarded the Society for Sex Therapy and Research Award: "Best Sexual Health Book for 2013". The Society's award is the top honor in in the field of sexual health publishing.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106