The Gerontology Learning Community at the School of Social Work is holding the Geriatric Joy Video Contest to showcase positive experience in relating to older adults.
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The Video Contest is open to all School of Social Work students, including students enrolled in the CASC undergraduate minor, MSW and doctoral students. Social work students can work with anyone as a team, but entries must be submitted by a SSW student (deemed the Entrant). Each student can submit only one video as an entrant.
Video must focus on older adults. It should show positive experience, such as joy, fun, humor, pleasant surprise, inspiration, gratitude, pride, enjoyment, awe and love in relating to older adults. It should be upbeat and uplifting.
Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in disqualification.
The School of Social Work has IPODs and other equipment for loan that may help produce good quality video. To access these resources, SSW students can fill out the AV reservation request form. For general support, contact: [email protected]
All entrants must upload their video to , and fill out the online application form located at
A panel of faculty and staff will screen all entries and select 3 to 5 videos as the finalists, based on the following criteria: positivity (joy, fun, humor, pleasant surprise, inspiration…), energy (uplifted, upbeat, empowering...), creativity (the sky's the limit), quality of video, and meeting the entry requirement. The videos chosen will be made available to the student body of SSW for voting. The video that gets the most votes will receive the top prize.
$1,000 to the entrant of the top prize video (division of cash award is at the discretion of the entrant if the video is a group project.) The winner will be notified by email in February 2017. All finalists will have their videos featured on SSW website and other SSW social media.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106