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School of Social Work Research Publications for Larry M. Gant

  1. Gant, L. M. (1996). Identifying and confirming racism in AIDS service organizations. National Service Work AIDS Network: Readings and Writings, 1(3), 4-17.
  2. Gant, L. M. (1996). HIV/AIDS caregivers in African-American communities: Contemporary issues. In V. Lynch & P. Wilson (Eds.), Caring for the HIV/AIDS caregiver 55-72. Westport, CT: Auburn House.
  3. Gant, L. M., & Ostrow, D. G. (1995). Perceptions of social support, and psychological adaptation to sexually acquired HIV among white and African-American males. Social Work, 40(2), 215-224.
  4. Oyserman, D. R., Gant, L., & Ager, J. (1995). A socially contextualized model of African - American identity: Possible selves and school persistence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(6), 1216-1232.
  5. Gant, L. M. (1995). HIV/AIDS and males. Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
  6. Gant, L. M. (1994). [Review of the book AIDS and ethics]. Families and Society, 75(6), 304-398.
  7. Gant, L. M., Hwalek, M., & Dix, C. (1994). Increasing responsible sexual behaviors among high risk African-American adolescent males: Results of a brief, intensive intervention. Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 3(3), 49-58.
  8. Gant, L. M., Jackson, L., Hoopwood, T., Lollis, C., Willis, C., & Johnson, E. H. (1994). What is the significance of black-white differences in risky sexual behavior? Journal of the National Medical Association, 86(10), 745-759.
  9. Jayaratne, S. D., Brabson, H. V., Gant, L. M., Nagda, B., Singh, A. K., & Chess, W. A. (1993). Effects of social support and undermining on African American workers' perceptions of co-worker and supervisor relationships and psychological well-being. Social Work, 38(2), 158-165.
  10. Jayaratne, S. D., Brabson, H. V., Gant, L. M., Nagda, B. R., & Chess, W. A. (1993). Job satisfaction. In R. T. Golembiewski (Ed.), Handbook of Organizational Behavior. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
  11. Johnson, E. H., Gant, L. M., Hinkle, Y., Gilbert, D., Willis, C., & Hoopwood, T. (1992). Do African-American males and females differ in their knowledge about AIDS, attitudes about condoms, and sexual behaviors? Journal of the National Medical Association, 84(1), 49-64.
  12. Jayaratne, S. D., Brabson, H. V., Gant, L. M., Nagda, B. R., & Singh, A. K. (1992). Worker perceptions of effectiveness and minority-relevant education as a function of worker and client ethnicity. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 6(1), 93-116.
  13. Jayaratne, S. D., Brabson, H. V., Gant, L. M., Nagda, B., Singh, A. K., & Chess, W. A. (1992). African-American practitioners' perceptions of their supervisors: Emotional support, social undermining, and criticism. Administration in Social Work, 16(2), 27-44.
  14. Gant, L. M., Johnson, E. H., Hinkle, Y., & Gilbert, D. (1992). Black males who always use condoms: Their attitudes, knowledge about AIDS, and sexual behavior. Journal of the National Medical Association, 84(4), 341-352.
  15. Neighbors, H., Elliott, K., & Gant, L. M. (1989). Self help and black Americans: A strategy for empowerment. In T. J. Powell (Ed.), Working with Self-help 189-217. Silver Springs, MD: NASW.
  16. Rothman, J., Gant, L. M., & Hnat, S. (1985). Mexican-American family culture. Social Service Review, 59(2), 197-215.
  17. Rothman, J., & Gant, L. M. (1985). Approaches and models of community intervention. In D. Johnson, L. Meiller, L. Miller, & G. Summers (Eds.), Needs Assessment: Theory and Methods 35-44. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
  18. Gant, L. M. (1984). Black Adoption Programs: Pacesetters in Practice. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan National Child Welfare Training Center.


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