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School of Social Work Research Publications for Kathryn (Katie) L. Maguire-Jack

  1. Maguire-Jack, K. & Klein, S. (2015). Parenting and proximity to social services: Lessons from Los Angeles County in the community context of child neglect. Child Abuse and Neglect, 45, 35-45.
  2. Maguire-Jack, K., Lanier, P., Johnson-Motoyama, M., Welch, H., & Dineen, M. (2015). Geographic variation in racial disparities in child maltreatment: The influence of county poverty and population density. Child Abuse and Neglect, 47, 1-13.
  3. Freisthler, B. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2015). Understanding the interplay between neighborhood structural factors, social processes, and alcohol outlets on child physical abuse. Child Maltreatment, 20(4), 268-277.
  4. Maguire-Jack, K. (2014). Multi-level investigation into the community context of child maltreatment. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 23(3), 229-248.
  5. Maguire-Jack, K., Slack, K. S., & Berger, L. (2014). Wisconsin’s Community Response Program for families that have been reported for child maltreatment. Child Welfare, 92(4), 95-121.
  6. Maguire-Jack, K. & Byers, K. (2014). The impact of prevention programs on decisions in Child Protective Services. Child Welfare, 92(5), 59-86.
  7. Maguire-Jack, K. & Font, S. (2014). Predicting recurrent maltreatment among high-risk families: Applying the Decision Making Ecology Framework. Children and Youth Services Review, 43, 29-39.
  8. Maguire-Jack, K. (2014). The role of prevention services in the community context of child maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 43, 85-95.
  9. Lanier, P., Maguire-Jack, K., Walsh, T., & Hubel, G. (2014). Race and ethnic differences in early childhood maltreatment in the United States. Journal of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics, 35(7), 419-426.
  10. Maguire-Jack, K., & Bowers, J. (2014). Marathon county community response: Voluntary services for families screened out of child protective services. Child Welfare, 93(5), 65-82.
  11. Font, S. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2013). Academic engagement and performance: Estimating the impact of out-of-home care for maltreated children. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(5), 856-864.
  12. Gromoske, A. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2012). Transactional and cascading relations between early spanking and children’s social-emotional development. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(5), 1054-1068.
  13. Maguire-Jack, K. Gromoske, A. & Berger, L. (2012). Spanking and child development during the first five years of life. Child Development, 83(6), 1960-1977.


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