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School of Social Work Research Publications for Karla Goldman

  1. Goldman, K. (1992). [Review of the book Getting comfortable in New York, the American Jewish home, 1880-1920]. Religious Studies Review 158.
  2. Goldman, K. (1990). [Review of the book The American synagogue: A sanctuary transformed, Jack Wertheimer, Ed.]. American Jewish Archives, 42(2), 212-216.
  3. Goldman, K. (1990). The ambivalence of Reform Judaism: Kaufmann Kohler and the ideal Jewish woman. American Jewish History 477-499.
  4. Goldman, K. (1989). India Edwards. In R. S. Kirkendall (Ed.), The Harry S. Truman Encyclopedia 107. Boston: G. K. Hall & Company.
  5. Goldman, K. (1988). [Review of the books The rise of the New York intellectuals and The New York Intellectuals]. American Jewish History 661-667.
  6. Goldman, K. (in press). Patterns of Reform: The Challenge of Women’s Roles in Nineteenth-Century American and German Reform Judaism. In Homolka, W., & Bomhoff, H. (Eds.), Female Rabbis, Pastors, and Ministers: Gendered Pathways toward Leadership.


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