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School of Social Work Research Publications for Edward C. Chang

  1. Perera, M. J. & E. C. Chang (Eds.). (2018). Biopsychosocial Approaches to Understanding Health in South Asian Americans. Springer.
  2. Walker, K. L., Chang, E. C., & Hirsch, J. K. (2017). Neuroticism and suicidal behavior: Conditional indirect effects of social problem solving and hopelessness. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology., 15(1), 80-89.
  3. Chang, E. C., Jilani, Z., Yu, T., Lin, J., Muyan, M., & Hirsch, J. K. (2017). Relation between sexual assault and negative affective conditions in female college students: Does loss of hope account for the association? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(8), 1249-1266.
  4. Yang, H., & Chang, E. C. (2016). Is the PGIS-II redundant with the Hope Scale?: Evidence for the utility of the PGIS-II in predicting psychological adjustment in adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 124-129.
  5. Muyan, M., Chang, E. C., Jilani, Z., Yu, T., Lin, J., & Hirsch, J. K. (2016). Loneliness and negative affective conditions in adults: Is there any room for hope in predicting anxiety and depressive symptoms? The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150, 333-341.
  6. Chang, E. C., Yu, E. A., Yu, T., Kahle, E. R., Hernandez, V., Kim, J. M., Jeglic, E. L., & Hirsch, J. K. (2016). Ethnic variables and negative life events as predictors of depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors in Latino college students: On the centrality of receptivo a los démas. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 36, 2016-221.
  7. Chang, E. C., Yu, T., Chang, O. D., & Hirsch, J. K. (2016). Hope and trauma: Examining a diathesis-stress model in predicting depressive and anxious symptoms in students. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 52-54.
  8. Hirsch, J. K., Sirois, F. M., Molnar, D., & Chang, E. C. (2016). Pain and depressive symptoms in primary care: Positive and negative affect as moderators. Clinical Journal of Pain, 32(7), 562-567.
  9. Yu, E. A., Chang, E. C., & Kim, J. H. J. (2016). Asian American culturally relevant values as predictors of meaning in life in Asian and European American college students: Evidence for cultural differences. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 7(3), 159-166.
  10. Muyan, M., & Chang, E. C. (2016). Hope as a mediator of the link between intimate partner violence and suicidal risk in Turkish women: Further evidence for the role of hope agency. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  11. Yu, E. A., & Chang, E. C. (2016). Optimism/pessimism and future orientation as predictors of suicidal ideation: Are there ethnic differences? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(4), 572-579.
  12. Chang, E. C., & Chang, O. D. (2016). Development of the frequency of suicidal ideation inventory: Evidence for the validity and reliability of a brief measure of suicidal ideation frequency in a college student population. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 40(4), 549-556.
  13. Downey, C. A., Chang, E. C., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N. J. (2016). Challenges and prospects for positive psychology research, theory, assessment, and practice in a multiracial and multiethnic world. In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. J. Lin (Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
  14. Yu, E. A., Chang, E. C., Yang, H. & Yu, T. (2016). Positive psychology assessment in Asian Americans. In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. J. Lin (Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
  15. Chang, E. C., Downey, C. A., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N. J. (2016). Introduction to positive psychology in racial and ethnic minority groups: A second call to action! In E. C. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. J. Lin (Eds.). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
  16. Chang, E. C., Downey, C. A., Hirsch, J. K. & Lin, N. J. (Eds.). (2016). Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Practice. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
  17. Chang, E. C., Yu, T., Jilani, Z., Muyan, M., Lin, J., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). The pursuit of perfection in spiritual engagements: The centrality of parental expectations as a positive and unique predictor. Personality and Individual Differences, 79, 162-165.
  18. Chang, E. C., Kahle, E. R., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). Understanding how domestic abuse is associated with greater depressive symptoms in a community sample of female primary care patients: Does lack of belongingness matter? Violence Against Women, 21, 700-711.
  19. Chang, E. C., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). Social problem solving under assault: Understanding the impact of sexual assault on the relation between social problem solving and suicidal risk in female college students. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 39, 403-413.
  20. Chang, E. C., Muyan, M., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). Loneliness, positive life events, and psychological maladjustment: When good things happen, even lonely people feel better! Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 150-155.
  21. Perera, M. J., & Chang, E. C. (2015). Depressive symptoms in South Asian, East Asian, and European Americans: Evidence for ethnic differences in coping with academic and interpersonal stress? Asian American Journal of Psychology, 6, 350-358.
  22. Hirsch, J. K., Molnar, D., Chang, E. C., & Sirois, F. M. (2015). Future orientation and health quality of life in primary care: Vitality as a mediator. Quality of Life Research, 24, 1653-1659.
  23. Chang, E. C., Lin, J., Fowler, E. E., Yu, E. A., Yu, T., Jilani, Z., Kahle, E. R., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). Sexual assault and depressive symptoms in college students: Do psychological needs account for the relationship? Social Work, 60, 211-218.
  24. Chang, E. C., Jilani, Z., Fowler, E. E., Yu, T., Chia, S. W., Yu, E. A., McCabe, H. K., & Hirsch, J. K. (2015). Relations between multidimensional spirituality and depressive symptoms in college students: Examining hope agency and pathways as potential mediators. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(2), 189-198.
  25. Chang, E. C. (2015). Perfectionism as a predictor of suicidal risk in Turkish college students: Does loneliness contribute to further risk? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 39, 776-784.


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