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Showing events on December 7, 2023

  1. What can you do with an MSW Degree? Exploring a Social Justice Career Path

    December 7, 2023 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    This panel is co-hosted by CASC and ENGAGE.

    What can you actually do with an MSW degree? If you want to work in public policy or politics, do you need a Masters in Public Policy or a law degree? If you’re aiming to do research or teach, do you need a PhD? What sort of credentials do you need to practice interpersonal clinical practice, either with individuals or families, in a private-practice or clinical setting? What credentials do you need to work in human services and administration? Join us for an in-person networking event and panel featuring notable University of Michigan School of Social Work alumni that work in politics, interpersonal clinical practice, research, and community organizing. The panel will be moderated by ENGAGE staff member and President of the National Association of Social Work Michigan, Fatima Salman, MSW. Food and beverages will be provided. Panelists include Victoria Peebles, Researcher at Mathematica Policy Research; Professor Justin Hodge, UM School of Social Work; Yusef Shakur, Deputy Director of Strategy & Innovations at the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion; and Megan Gunnell, LMSW, founder and director of the Thriving Well Institute.

    Register here »

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