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Showing events starting from May 1, 2025 up to May 31, 2025

  1. Clinical Strategies to Treat The Relationship to Pain

    May 1, 2025 (all day)

    This course will explore how to assess and understand pain in clinical settings. Focus will be placed on utilizing the language of the client to explore the roots of pain, impact on identity and relationships. Interactive assessment tools will be introduced to explore sources of pain, history of pain, connection of pain to lifestyle and relational adaptions. The course will utilize tools from multiple modalities to explore treatment interventions related to pain.

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

  2. School of Social Work Spring Commencement 2025

    May 3, 2025 - 1:30 PM ET

    The School of Social Work Spring Commencement for Social Work students will be held in person at the Power Center and livestreamed on the SSW website. Power Center doors will open for guests and graduates beginning at 12:30pm.

    A light reception will be held in the Power Center Lobby immediately following the commencement ceremony.

    Specific instructions and information will be added to this page as commencement approaches. In the meantime, view the School of Social Work Commencement Guide for general commencement information.

    Have questions? Contact: [email protected]

  3. Sexuality, Social Work, and Exploring Implicit Bias

    May 9, 2025 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    This course challenges learners to explore their personal values, beliefs and judgements related to issues of sexuality. Interpersonal practice tools will be offered to assist clients in holding personal beliefs and values and remaining present to client's sexual self, needs, beliefs. Lecture and discussion will examine how implicit bias can limit services and harm clients, particular limits to sexually diverse populations. Sexual health will be considered as a social justice issue.

    This course has been developed to meet the Michigan implicit bias training requirements for health professionals.

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

  4. Anti-Saneism in Mental Healthcare: Mad/Neurodiversity-Affirming Practice

    May 14, 2025 - 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    Saneism is one of the many interconnected systems of oppression in our culture, and is a variation of ableism. It refers to the systematic power and privilege granted to people who conform to our culture’s socially constructed definition of “normal” ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving, and the oppression and pathologizing of people who deviate from this definition of “normal”. The conventional mental health system in our culture is built on saneist foundations, and this can lead to “iatrogenic” harm – harm caused by clinical interventions that are intended to help. But thanks to the activism and scholarship of people in the Disability Justice, Mad Pride, and Neurodiversity movements (and the academic disciplines of Disability Studies and Mad Studies), there are now ample tools available to support clinicians in providing mental healthcare without saneism. ...

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

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