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Showing events on February 18, 2025

  1. Trauma-Informed Programs and Practices for Schools (TIPPS): Online Training of Trainers Workshop Series (Day 1)

    February 18, 2025 - 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM ET

    This online workshop series will guide school professionals through the TIPPS framework, which is a systems-level approach to address trauma in schools. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of trauma, explore the 10 core pillars of TIPPS, and discuss ways to apply the 10 pillars in their own setting. By the end of the series, participants will be equipped to train other school professionals in their organization on the TIPPS framework.

    All participants will be required to attend Day 1 (February 18 at 8:30-10:30am) and Day 2 (February 25 at 8:30-10:30am) of this workshop series.

    Register here »

  2. Winkelman Memorial Lecture: Advancing a Healthy and Peaceful Society through Productive Aging Activities

    February 18, 2025 - 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    Dr. Ernest Gonzales is an Associate Professor and the James Weldon Johnson Professor at New York University, where he leads The Center for Health and Aging Innovation, the Healthy Aging Specialization in Social Work, and Grand Challenge on Advancing a Long, Healthy, and Productive Life. He is a scholar in the areas of productive aging (employment, volunteering, and caregiving), equity, discrimination, intergenerational scholarship, and social policy. His research advances our understanding of social structures that optimize the ability to live a long, healthy, and meaningful life.

    This is a hybrid event. Continuing Education (CE) will only be offered to those attending the lecture in-person. 

    About the Leon and Josephine Winkelman Memorial Lecture Series:

    The Leon and Josephine Winkelman Lecture Series was established at the University of Michigan School of Social work by the Winkelman brothers - Stanley J., John, Frederick R., and Henry R. - as a memorial to their parents. 

    The lecture series provides a forum for the presentation of new and emerging knowledge from the social sciences and the helping professions in the field of gerontology and for the discussion of the applications of such knowledge to the development of social policy, the organization and management of social welfare services, and the delivery of social work services.

    Click Here to Register

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