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Showing events on January 16, 2025

  1. Alumni Webinar Series | Maintaining Optimism During Difficult Times

    January 16, 2025 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Note: This course is available for free to U-M SSW alumni as part of our Alumni Webinar Series, which features invited alumni speakers. Please know that non-alumni participants are welcome to register as well!

    Americans have historically been optimists. But that's changed significantly in recent decades. Trust in almost all institutions has fallen significantly, many people don't believe the news they see or read, and these realities create significant problems for agencies and their leaders.

    In this webinar, we'll identify the benefits of optimism, discuss why optimism is hard for many today, and offer six practical methods for maintaining/increasing your optimism, and for helping others do the same.

    Visit the CE Course Catalog »

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