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Showing events on August 22, 2023

  1. Residential Programs: SEED Orientation Week (August 22-25)

    August 22, 2023 ET

    SEED Orientation will be held Tuesday, August 22 - Friday, August 25, 2023

    Share, Explore, Engage, Discover (SEED) is the School of Social Work's fall orientation experience for incoming on-campus MSW students. All incoming on-campus MSW students should plan to join SEED Orientation Week activities. Various activities are scheduled each day during Fall SEED Orientation Week (8/22 - 8/25).

    View more information

  2. On-Campus MSW Fall 2023 SEED Orientation

    August 22, 2023 to August 25, 2023

    SEED Orientation will be held Tuesday, August 22 - Friday, August 25, 2023

    Share, Explore, Engage, Discover (SEED) is the School of Social Work's fall orientation experience for incoming on-campus MSW students. All incoming on-campus MSW students should plan to join SEED Orientation Week activities. Various activities are scheduled each day during Fall SEED Orientation Week (8/22 - 8/25).

    It is important to note that the first class session of SW590 will be held during SEED Orientation Week on Thursday, August 24. 

    SEED Orientation Schedule

  3. Pre-Field Orientation for Students Starting Field in Fall 2023 Location: In-Person, see list of rooms below

    August 22, 2023 - 2:15 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    Zaynab Boussi: SSWB, Room 3816

    Amy Burandt: SSWB, Room 1636 

    Miriam Connolly: SSWB, Room B798

    Christina Dadswell: SSWB, Room 2752 

    Rachel Naasko: SSWB, Room 2752

    Stacy Peterson: SSWB, Room 3752

    Rosalva Osorio-Cooksy: SSWB, Room B770

    Aimee Vantine: SSWB, Room B780

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