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Showing events on April 26, 2023

  1. Introduction to Field Education Webinar

    April 26, 2023 - 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM ET

    This session will assist students admitted to the full time Fall 2023 On-Campus and Online MSW programs in navigating the process of applying for a field placement.  All admitted Full Time Fall 2023 On-Campus and Online students should plan to view this session either live or recorded. The last 30 minutes of the session discusses specific information for students planning to apply for a school-based field placement.

    Students admitted in Fall 2022 to a dual degree or Part-Time On-Campus program should also attend/watch this session, since you are scheduled to start field in Fall 2023.

    Students admitted to Fall 2023 Part Time On-Campus or Part-Time Online program do NOT need to attend/watch this session: you will be starting field 12-16 months after entering the program (depending on your part-time curriculum track).

    Webinar Recording

    View the Presentation Slides

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