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Showing events on March 28, 2023

  1. Alumni Career Chat - Aaron Corte O'Brien, LMSW

    March 28, 2023 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Join our alumni career chat with - Aaron Corte O'Brien, LMSW on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 from 12 -1 pm by zoom. (Link will be sent out before the session)

    Aaron is a 2018 graduate of UM SSW. Prior to joining the program, he worked for various start-ups and was drawn towards helping others manage stress and burnout. Following graduation Aaron became trained in EMDR and began to clinically focus on trauma.

    Aaron now maintains a smaller caseload and runs a small virtual group practice, Wellspring Connection. The practice hires part-time social workers who want to do online therapy on the side. Additionally, in 2022 Aaron started providing employee mental health consulting for companies. He leads mental health workshops and helps leaders to better support the well-being of their people.

    Come talk with Aaron about the post MSW journey from clinical social worker to consultant!

    Click here to registerĀ Ā»

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