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Showing events on March 25, 2023

  1. Social Work Month Celebration: Self-Care Expo Social Work Month Celebration: Self-Care Expo

    March 25, 2023 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    The Self-Care Expo is an event meant to provide a space for self-care, healing, and wellness for MSW students to celebrate Social Work Appreciation month, which is taking place in March. We are hoping to provide a space for students to learn more about the wellness and self-care organizations that are available to them at the University through our resource fair with organizations like CAPS, Wolverine Wellness, Wolverine Support Network etc., as well as provide wellness activities like Therapaws, a massage therapist, and meditation sessions. We will also be providing goodie bags for attendees.

    We feel that providing an event for students to rest, relax, and reflect after a long semester is another key step for building a strong Wolverine community and showing that the University values the health and well-being of its students.

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