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Showing events on March 6, 2023

  1. Classes resume 8:00 a.m.

    March 6, 2023 ET

  2. Social Work Month Celebration: Kick-Off Event Social Work Month Celebration: Kick-Off Event

    March 6, 2023 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Join us in the McGregor Commons from 12 to 1 PM as we come together to celebrate the wonderful social work profession.

    Food and social work month giveaways will be available. Dean Beth Angell will give remarks at 12:10 pm.

  3. Engendering Respectful Communities (ERC) Workshop Engendering Respectful Communities (ERC) Workshop

    March 6, 2023 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    Engendering Respectful Communities (ERC) is a one-session workshop combining multiple instructional tools to engage graduate students in meaningful dialogue about the various forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, assault, and discrimination that they may encounter. Participants are then able to build skills on how to intervene safely in potentially harmful situations. ERC workshops make use of the circle process, which focuses on building meaningful connections between participants and ensuring all participants can engage in respectful dialogue. ERC sessions are facilitated by SAPAC's Graduate Research, Outreach, Workshops, and Evaluation (GROWE) volunteers, who are all current graduate students.

    Click here to register »

  4. For Prospective Students- Connect Virtually with Current Online and On-campus MSW Students! For Prospective Students- Connect Virtually with Current Online and On-campus MSW Students!

    March 6, 2023 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    What's the program really like? Where is your field placement? What do social work students do for fun? Join an MSW student as well as other prospective MSW students for a live webchat about the School of Social Work. Our MSW students are excited to answer any questions that you have and share their feedback about the program. 

    Click here to register »

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