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Showing events on September 12, 2022

  1. SSW Open House: Office of Field Education (OFE) & CAPS SSW Open House: Office of Field Education (OFE) & CAPS

    September 12, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Visit OFE to meet Dan Fischer (Assistant Dean of Field Education and Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work), and all of our field educators. OFE presents you with over 550 field work sites, and multiple opportunities to become a part of the professional social work community to integrate classroom knowledge with practice and develop your social work skills and identity.

    Joining OFE, visit with our CAPS embedded therapist, Jamie Boschee, LMSW to learn more about CAPS services. CAPS offers enrolled students located in the state of MI brief, solution-focused therapy, therapy groups, crisis support, and several additional support options for mental health concerns. CAPS is committed to creating an environment based on our values of multicultural, multi-disciplinary, and multi-theoretical practices that allow our diverse student body to access care, receive high-quality services, and take positive pathways to mental health.

  2. Winter 2023 Field Presentation: Hospital-Based Field Placements

    September 12, 2022 - 5:00 PM ET

    On-campus MSW students starting field in Winter 2023 are invited to join the Office of Field Education for a special presentation on Hospital-Based Feld Placements! 

    This session will be recorded, and the recording will be posted on this calendar event afterwards.

September 2022

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