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Showing events on April 11, 2022

  1. Decolonizing Social Work from a Local and Global Lens

    April 11, 2022 - 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET

    Join the Global Social Work Practice Pathway and the Office of Global Activities in this panel discussion to highlight the contributions of community organizers and leaders across local and global contexts who are utilizing decolonizing and social justice-oriented perspectives to promote climate justice and refugee rights and to address health disparities among Indigenous populations.

    The panel discussion will be hosted via Zoom and recorded for redistribution. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Ashley Cureton. Panelists include:

    Melanie Minuche (she/her), Climate Justice Organizer at Alianza Americas

    Allan Mukuki (he/him), Director of International Partnerships; PhD Candidate with a focus on refugee protection in the East African community at Strathmore University Law School

    Nicole Reed, MPH, CHES (she/her), Senior Professional Research Assistant at the University of Colorado Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health

    RSVP here »

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