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Showing events on April 7, 2022

  1. Social Justice through the Arts

    April 7, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Theater, music, storytelling, poetry, and other art forms have a powerful way of connecting with individuals, relaying social issues and oppression in a way that enables others to envision themselves experiencing it - allowing for more empathy and understanding. Join us in talking to local artists, scholars, and activists who have used the arts to fight injustice and achieve social change. Speakers include Satori Shakoor, renowned storyteller, actress, and founder of Detroit’s The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers; and Gary Anderson, Producing Artistic Director of the Plowshares Theatre Company. This session will be moderated by Dr. Rogério Pinto, Associate Dean for Research and Innovation of the School of Social Work, and Professor of Theater and Drama of the School of Music, Theater & Dance. Dr. Pinto spearheads the School of Social Work's Art-Based Social Justice Collective.

    Event Recording
  2. The Storytellers Series

    April 7, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Song as the Storyteller

    Last of the Three-part workshop series in creative storytelling.

    Please register for the in-person session.

    An intimate concert and workshop that will take place in room 1840 of the SSW building.

    Register here »

  3. Creating an Equitable Healthcare System for Adolescents and Young Adults Living with Cancer: Overcoming Unique Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Challenges

    April 7, 2022 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    This presentation attends to the health disparity and its related factors among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) diagnosed with cancer. AYA cancer survivors, including those receiving active cancer treatment and post-treatment survivorship care, is an age-defined group that experiences disproportional impact by their cancer diagnosis and numerous unique biopsychosocial challenges. The presentation will start by offering an overview of AYA cancer survivorship at the national level, followed by a focused discussion on key disparities that exist in this population. Efforts at the national level and local level, i.e., University of Michigan, will be discussed. A multi-level approach will be introduced to achieve health equity among AYA cancer survivors, including an example of a Curtis Center SPI collaborating with the Adolescents and Young Adults Oncology Program at University of Michigan Health.

    Register here »

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