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Showing events on October 29, 2021

  1. Sexual Health Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Practice

    October 29, 2021 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    The objective of this training is to help mental health professionals develop confidence and a skill set for discussing sexual identity, health/wellness, and intimacy with their clients. Fundamentals of sex therapy from a biopsychosocial approach will be covered to ensure that participants feel well-equipped to incorporate sexual functioning into their core approach to assessment and treatment. The learner will understand the ramifications of relegating this topic to a "specialized" treatment approach and feel skilled and capable in addressing sex therapy topics as a foundational approach to assessment and treatment.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  2. On-Campus MSW Students: Field Placement Application Due for Spring/Summer 2022 (JCLP, NCS, and National Placements)

    October 29, 2021 (all day)

    On Friday October 29, the Field Application is due for the following On-Campus MSW students for Spring/Summer 2022 national field placements**:

    JCLP Scholars (only if you have already planned for a Spring/Summer 2022 national field placement)

    NCS Scholars

    Other students interested in national field placement for Spring/Summer 2022: please review MSW Student Guide Section 3.08.06: National Field Placement Guidelines, and reach out to [email protected] if you have questions. If you understand the requirements and meet the qualifications, you may submit a Spring/Summer 2022 field application. 

    Please note: students starting field in Winter 2022 cannot pursue a Spring/Summer 2022 national field placement.

    Submit your Spring/Summer 2022 Field Application  

    **GASP Scholars: you will have a separate due date in November.

October 2021

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