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Showing events on May 21, 2021

  1. Building a Social Justice Informed Private Practice | Part 3: Practice Strategies

    May 21, 2021 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    This workshop is part three of a four-part series on social justice oriented approaches to offering private behavioral health services in a private practice setting. This section focuses on practice strategies. While we encourage participants to complete all four parts, you may also select those that best fit your needs and schedule.

    This series will provide a foundational understanding of private and public behavioral health services so that participants are able to identify the skills needed to deliver outpatient services as a clinician with a social justice orientation. With increased access to behavioral health services through policies such as Health Care Parity and the Affordable Care Act, more community members with mild to moderate need for behavioral health services are seeking care and there is a greater need for non-public behavioral health care providers who deliver culturally-responsive and socially-just services.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  2. Building a Social Justice Informed Private Practice | Part 4: Business Strategies

    May 21, 2021 - 1:00 PM to 4:15 PM ET

    This workshop is part four of a four-part series on social justice oriented approaches to offering private behavioral health services in a private practice setting. This section focuses on business strategies. While we encourage participants to complete all four parts, you may also select those that best fit your needs and schedule.

    This series will provide a foundational understanding of private and public behavioral health services so that participants are able to identify the skills needed to deliver outpatient services as a clinician with a social justice orientation. With increased access to behavioral health services through policies such as Health Care Parity and the Affordable Care Act, more community members with mild to moderate need for behavioral health services are seeking care and there is a greater need for non-public behavioral health care providers who deliver culturally-responsive and socially-just services.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

May 2021

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