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Showing events on May 19, 2021

  1. Community Conversation - Dean Search

    May 19, 2021 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    We invite you to a community conversation about our search for the new SSW Dean. This will be a time to share where you think the school should be headed and what you think we should be looking for in a Dean to lead us there. This is a time for conversation - ask questions, raise ideas, and talk together as a school community. To aid the conversation, space will be limited. (If there is a lot of interest in this topic, we can hold another session soon.)

    About the format. A few students and faculty have decided to try something different - smaller community conversations. Our hope is that this can take topics that lend themselves better to verbal dialogue off of email and into a face-to-face (or screen-to-screen!) environment. We will draw heavily on practices from intergroup dialogue and restorative justice.

    Zoom link will be sent out the morning of the event.

    RSVP here »

  2. Centennial Lecture Series: Sharon Parrott - Pandemic, Relief, and Building toward an Equitable Future Centennial Lecture Series: Sharon Parrott - Pandemic, Relief, and Building toward an Equitable Future

    May 19, 2021 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET

    Join us for our Centennial Lecture Series featuring Michigan Social Work Alumna, Sharon Parrott, MSW '92.

    Pandemic, Relief, and Building toward an Equitable Future: The health and economic crisis shined a light on and exacerbated longstanding problems that were in plain sight for those willing to see them long before COVID-19. The crisis made clear the weaknesses in our economic and health security programs that are supposed to protect people when hard times hit while also showing in the starkest terms the stark inequities across lines of race, ethnicity, gender, and immigration that long pre-dated the pandemic. Parrott will talk about the impacts of the health and economic crisis across different groups, both the strengths and weaknesses of our public response to the crisis, the opportunity for long-term, systemic policy changes that could broaden opportunity, reduce poverty and inequality, narrow disparities, and move us toward universal health coverage, and the challenges to achieving these policy goals. Parrott will also reflect on the “long arc” of policy change and the forces that can create and stymie change.

  3. Field Placement Verification Due

    May 19, 2021 - 5:00 PM ET

  4. For Admitted Students - Connect Virtually with a Current MSW Student! For Admitted Students - Connect Virtually with a Current MSW Student!

    May 19, 2021 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    Congratulations! Newly admitted MSW Students can connect virtually with Current MSW students regarding the MSW program!

    What's the program really like? Where is your field placement? What do social work students do for fun? What is Ann Arbor like in the Winter? Join an MSW student as well as other admitted MSW students for a live webchat about the School of Social Work.  Our MSW students are excited to answer any questions that you have and share their feedback about the program. 

    Click here to RSVP »

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