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Showing events on April 8, 2021

  1. ENGAGE: Storytelling for Social Justice 
ENGAGE: Storytelling for Social Justice

    April 8, 2021 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Storytelling, or listening to the stories of others and sharing your own stories, builds the foundation of human interaction. Telling others how we got here and why we care about an issue builds connection, allows us to share our values, and create meaning. The art of public narrative is used in all aspects of social work practice - from helping our clients rewrite the stories they tell themselves, to helping communities and groups galvanize social change, to helping policy makers and politicians tell a “story of self” while creating a “story of us.” Join us for a special discussion featuring the former Chief Storyteller for the City of Detroit and current NYU Journalism Professor, Aaron Foley; current Chief Storyteller for the City of Detroit, Eric Thomas; and Detroit poet, activist, and author, Jessica Care Moore.

    Field credit is offered to students attending this session. Students should check with their field faculty supervisors for more information.

    Event Recording
  2. Colleen Karim Memorial
A Celebration of Life Colleen Karim Memorial A Celebration of Life

    April 8, 2021 - 5:30 PM ET

    Colleen Karim was a beloved friend, staff person, and a fixture at our school. Join the Office of Student Services as we remember and celebrate her life.


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