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Showing events on July 16, 2020

  1. The Intersection of Disability, Race, and Police Brutality The Intersection of Disability, Race, and Police Brutality

    July 16, 2020 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Join us in examining and learning how police brutality disproportionately targets Black people with disabilities, how law enforcement is racist and ableist by nature, and how to ground our movements in disability justice. Nationally-renowned disability justice scholars and activists will be joining us. Speakers include:

    Talila “TL” Lewis, Attorney, Social Justice engineer, Educator, Organizer, Artist

    Dustin “DG” Gibson, Community Builder, Educator, Disability Justice and Criminal Justice Reform Activist.

    Teddy Dorsette III, Communications Manager & Organizer, Detroit Disability Power

    Watch the Recording Here

  2. Ask a Current MSW Student Webinar - Field Q & A (For Incoming Students)

    July 16, 2020 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET


    What agency are you currently in? What assignments did you complete during field? How did you balance field and course work?

    Meet with several MSW students for a live webchat! They're excited to answer any questions you may have and share their feedback about Field Placements.

    This is an off-site, web-based session and may be attended via the Internet. The session will be recorded.


    Click here to view the recording »

    Click here to view the Q&A »

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