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Showing events on July 2, 2020

  1. Social Work, White Supremacy, & Law Enforcement (Part 2)

    July 2, 2020 - 3:00 PM ET

    Dear Social Work Community:

    For the past four months, we have met to discuss current events and life threatening issues affecting the country and our lives due to COVID-19 and police brutality. Last Thursday, June 25, our guests addressed white supremacy within the social work profession and the latest suggestion that social work ought to join forces with law enforcement. 

    Both law enforcement and social work are grappling with the role of white supremacy in its ranks and institutions. We will hold Part 2 of this conversation this Thursday 7/2. 

     We will discuss these issues with a focus on individual, peer and family relations, and community organizing. Our overarching theme, Identity and Vulnerabilities, will be used to frame the discussion. 


    Andrew Domzalski, Northville Township, Community Services Officer

    Daicia Price, Clinical Assistant Professor: U-M School of Social Work

    Dominique S. Crump, MSW, Social Work Resident: U-M School of Social Work

    Regina Jennings, LCSW-R: Multicultural Therapist, NYC

    Please join us!

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