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Showing events on June 29, 2020

  1. MasterTrack Prospective Student Information Session

    June 29, 2020 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MasterTrack program. Faculty and admission counselors will present on the MasterTrack curriculum and pathway to pursuing the full MSW program following the MasterTrack certificate. Information on the application process and financial aid opportunities will be provided. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the webinar.

    Click here to view recording »   Click here to view the questions log »

  2. Field Placement Application Due Incoming Cohort + Out of Sequence Students

    June 29, 2020 - 5:00 PM ET

    Global Activities Scholars, National Community Scholars, Jewish Communal Leadership Program, Peace Corps Master's International

June 2020

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