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Showing events on June 18, 2020

  1. Shifting the Culture of Anti-racist Organizing with Tawana Petty Shifting the Culture of Anti-racist Organizing with Tawana Petty

    June 18, 2020 - 12:00 PM ET

    ENGAGE and the Undoing Racism Workgroup present a special virtual discussion featuring Detroit organizer, scholar, author and human rights activist Tawana Petty. Petty will lead us through a discussion on how we confront and work to dismantle historic racism and anti-Blackness in our society, without tokenizing or creating undo emotional labor for those most affected. Petty will share principles of anti-racist organizing from her book, “Towards Humanity: Shifting the Culture of Anti-Racism Organizing,” and discuss how non-Blacks can practice genuine non-performative collaboration with the movement for Black Lives. Discussions on how we can incorporate lessons learned from this significant moment in Civil Rights history into our practice as social workers, community leaders, and advocates will also take place. 

    Watch the Recording Here

  2. COVID, White Supremacy, Black Women’s Concerns

    June 18, 2020 - 3:00 PM ET

    In response to the latest events across the country and the world, on Thursday, June 18 our women panelists will address COVID in the context of white supremacy and police brutality, major problems of pandemic proportions.  

    We will discuss these issues with a focus on individual, peer and family relations, and community organizing. Our overarching theme, Identity and Vulnerabilities, will be used to frame the discussion. 


    Andrea B. Williams, JD: Director, Advocacy Training and Community Engagement; STEPS To End Family Violence Program; Rising Ground, NYC

    Yatesha D. Robinson, LMSW, MA: Field Faculty and LEO Lecturer III; Social Work; University of Michigan

    Marah A. Curtis, MSW, PhD.: Professor of Social Work; Institute for Research on Poverty; Center for Demography and Ecology; University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Lauren Davis, LMSW: Assistant Director - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Adjunct Lecturer in Social Work; University of Michigan

    Lady Carlson,  Lead Organizer at West Side Sponsoring Committee and Together Louisiana.    

    Trina R. Shanks, PhD: Professor & Director of Community Engagement; Social Work; University of Michigan

    Please join us!

    Now is the moment for action!

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