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Showing events on May 21, 2020

  1. COVID-19 Conversation: Imprisoned Populations Affected by COVID-19

    May 21, 2020 - 3:00 PM ET

    This week our guests will address issues affecting populations confined to jails, prisons, concentration camps, immigration “holding centers,” and others. We will discuss COVID with a focus on individual, peer and family relations, and community organizing. Our overarching theme, Identity and Vulnerabilities, will be used to frame reports and discussions. 


    Mary Heinen McPherson: PCAP Project Coordinator, University of Michigan.

    Warren Thompson: Professor of Social Work, Rutgers University  

    Ashley Lucas: Professor, Music, Theater, and Dance, University of Michigan.

    Larry Root: Professor Emeritus, Social Work, University of Michigan.

    Josh Hoe: Policy Analyst at Safe & Just Michigan

    Baraka Sander: MSW student, University of Michigan. 

    This follows on conversations the Faculty Allies for Diversity have been having for the past two months on social consequences of the pandemic. 

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