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Showing events on April 23, 2020

  1. Virtual Discussion on COVID-19 Stigma: Detroit

    April 23, 2020 - 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM ET

    This week we will have several special guests from Detroit at our conversation on Identity and Vulnerabilities in the time of COVID-19: 

    Ayesha Ghazi-Edwin: LEO Lecturer, School of Social Work

    Alicia McCormick: Youth Development Director, Urban Neighborhood Initiatives

    Dillon Cathro: Director of Youth Organizing, Urban Neighborhood Initiatives  

    Zachary Rowe: Executive Director, Friends Of Parkside

    Sonia Harb: Special Advisor on Detroit Engagement for the Office of the Provost

    Reverend Charles Williams: MSW candidate, Chair of the National Action Network in Michigan.

    Fatima Salman: Program Coordinator, ENGAGE: Detroit

    Undrea V. Goodwin: Public Health Project Coordinator, SEMHAC

    Guests will contribute their perspective from Detroit, an epicenter of the pandemic and will join us in a conversation on how multiple personal identities make us more or less vulnerable to the virus and to its associated stigma and inequities. This follows on conversations the Faculty Allies for Diversity have been having for the past four weeks on social consequences of the pandemic. For the next few weeks, we will invite guests to speak on issues concerning other areas (New Orleans, Brazil) hard hit by COVID-19. Please join us!



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