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Showing events on March 2, 2020

  1. Social Justice Internship Fund Application (Apply!)

    March 2, 2020 - 3:15 PM to March 27, 2020 3:15 PM ET


    The CASC Social Justice Internship Fund provides up to 500 dollars funding for students seeking internship, field, or volunteer opportunities in community settings with a social justice emphasis. Supported by the generosity of CASC alumni and friends, the CASC Social Justice Internship seeks to offset a portion of students' cost of living to encourage social-justice-oriented participation in community settings.


    Applicants must provide evidence of demonstrated financial need

    Applicants must describe how their internship reflects the CASC mission and vision to promote the knowledge, tools, and skills to engage diverse communities in social change efforts.

    Applicants must provide a clear description of their host organization or agency, their specific role, and what they hope to contribute and learn from the experience.

    Priority applications include community efforts that are not sponsored by the university.

    Visit the CASC Minor Grants page for more information about the fund and how to apply.

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