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Showing events on January 21, 2020

  1. ENGAGE + CASC: Youth Organizing & Empowerment

    January 21, 2020 - 5:00 PM ET

    Youth have the ability to lead and galvanize social and political movements for change. Both through their understanding of the importance of social media and use of technology, to their involvement in communities, and power to connect and drive their peers, youth are especially positioned to be great drivers of social change. Join us for a special joint discussion with CASC featuring local youth leaders and change-makers, as they discuss the impact of their work and the movements they are leading. CASC alumni working in youth organizing will be featured along with other panelists TBA.

    Attending this session counts for field credit. Please document your attendance and contact your field faculty supervisor for information.

    CE Contact Hours for this session are pending.


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