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Showing events on November 21, 2019

  1. MSW Prospective Student Webinar

    November 21, 2019 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: Curriculum Options, Dual Degree Programs, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more.

    Click here to register »

  2. Why We Should Care About Mental Health: The Interface between Mental Health and Interdisciplinary Treatment Why We Should Care About Mental Health: The Interface between Mental Health and Interdisciplinary Treatment

    November 21, 2019 - 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM ET

    An evening conversation with Aundreah Walenski '17 MSW to learn about the most prevalent mental health disorders, their treatments, why we should care about mental health, how it affects our work, and what we can do about it in everyday practice.

  3. Poetry (& More) with Kay Ulanday Barrett Poetry (& More) with Kay Ulanday Barrett

    November 21, 2019 - 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET

    The Spectrum Center, Council for Disability Concerns, and School of Social Work DEI Office are very excited to host multi-talented brown trans disabled artist, Kay Ulanday Barrett this November. Kay is a poet, performer, and educator whose work has been supported and published by organizations including the UN Global LGBTQ+ Summit, the Asian American Literary Review, and Race Forward. Join us in hosting them during Trans Awareness Week to hear about their work, both in reading and in their experience creating it. Event navigation details: More Trans Awareness Week events:

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