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Showing events on November 19, 2019

  1. CASC x STAMPS: Art & Social Justice CASC x STAMPS: Art & Social Justice

    November 19, 2019 - 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM ET

    Join the Community Action and Social Change (CASC) Minor to learn about the importance of social justice in Art & Design.  This event provides you with an opportunity to network with current and prospective CASC students in the STAMPS School of Art & Design and is hosted by CASC-STAMP students, Sara Kenward and Sophia Schwartz.  

  2. Have Funding Will Travel: Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and More for International Internships and Research

    November 19, 2019 - 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM ET

    Have Funding Will Travel is an opportunity to explore a variety of funding options for overseas internships and research opportunities, for both undergraduate and graduate/professional students. Representatives of several U-M funding offices will provide information, and you will be able to meet with them individually. This is a crucial opportunity to explore awards will lead to international travel, careers, and more. Everyone is welcome, but undergraduate juniors and first-year masters students are especially encouraged!

    This session will begin with an introductory panel presentation, after which you may rotate throughout the room for answers tailored to the questions you have.

    Food will be provided! Come take a well-deserved study break and think about where your education can take you.

    This event is sponsored by the International Institute

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