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Showing events on November 16, 2019

  1. Affirmative Counseling and Advocacy with TGLBQ People

    November 16, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    This course will introduce and address issues of concern to interpersonal practice clients that identify as Transgender, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Queer or questioning, focusing on the basic knowledge, interpersonal practice and advocacy skills it takes to become increasingly competent in providing counseling and advocacy for people who are members of these marginalized, yet highly resilient, groups. From a strength-based perspective, grounded in Affirmative Practice Principles, this course will focus on basic social work knowledge and understanding of these groups, the social injustice and stigma they face; but ultimately, how to effectively engage, assess and intervene with current, associated issues through therapy and advocacy. This course will also address self-exploration and ethical dilemmas for social work students and providers with TBLGQ people, and include real practice experiences with people from our local community. Students will be encouraged to actively engage in the course. Class...

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  2. Ambassador Harvest Party Ambassador Harvest Party

    November 16, 2019 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    Join us for our Ambassador Harvest Party as we celebrate community and the passing of seasons. Entrees and beverages will be provided so please be sure to RSVP so we can get accurate numbers for food. The menu will cover vegan & vegetarian options. Appetizers, side dishes, and desserts are encouraged yet are NOT required.

    Faculty, Family, and kids are welcome! Come for the food and stay for games, conversation, and community. The Northwood Community Center is accessible by the Michigan Bus Line. Northwood buses pick up at the Central Campus Transit and run every 10-15 minutes.

    Note: The Northwood Express Bus does NOT stop at the Community Center so pay attention to the Bus Line and/or ask the driver if you are uncertain. We hope to see you there!

November 2019

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