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Showing events on June 26, 2019

  1. CEW+Inspire Workshop Series: Understanding Nutrition and Community Health – A Journey from Service to Research to Advocacy

    June 26, 2019 - 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET

    During this workshop, attendees will follow Dr. Cindy Leung’s trajectory in public health. Exploring her early work in local food banks with food-insecure populations and her scientific research on the effectiveness of our federal food programs, attendees will then discuss her present-day qualitative research to better understand the lived experiences of food-insecure individuals. Participants will learn about populations affected by food insecurity, including low-income families and college students. To wrap up the session, attendees will learn how all of this information is being used to design programs and affect future policies to benefit food-insecure populations. A hands-on wellness activity will be presented by the CEW+ Inspire team to complement this workshop.

    The discussion will be followed by a networking reception.


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