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Showing events on March 15, 2019

  1. Jewish Feminisms/American Visions: Symposium Jewish Feminisms/American Visions: Symposium

    March 15, 2019 - 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM ET


    Jewish Feminisms/American Visions will bring an array of pioneering and contemporary feminist activists to Ann Arbor to consider the role of Jewish identity in the framing and development of second wave American feminism. During this symposium, activists from the 1960s through today will explore the significance of Jewish identities in the development of the women's liberation movement and the impact of feminism on American Jewish culture, politics, and religion. In addition to conversations between veteran feminists and more recently-minted activists, the program will include a screening of the documentary Changing the World portraying the activist career of conference participant, Heather Booth, and a performance by violinist and klezmer music pioneer, Alicia Svigals.

    8:15 - 8:45 AM: Registration and Continental Breakfast

    8:45 - 10:15: Feminisms/Jewish Feminisms and the Complication(s) of Israel with Marcia Freedman, Joyce Antler, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Rabbi Ayelet Cohen with Moderator Judith Rosenbaum

    10:30 -12: Contemporary Leaders Consider the Legacies of Feminism with Judith Rosenbaum, Rabbi Alana Alpert, April Baskin, Rabbi Georgette Kennebrae, Tilly Shames with Moderator Samira Mehta

    Jewish Feminisms/American Visions: Perspectives from Fifty Years of Activism Events

    Wednesday, March 13

    Screening of Heather Booth: Changing the World, and discussion with Heather Booth

    Thursday, March 14


    #MeToo Panel and Performance from Alicia Svigals

    Friday, March 15


    Sunday, March 17

    Jewish Communal Leadership Program’s Annual Communal Conversation Event: The Jewish Future is Feminist 

    Presented by the Jewish Communal Leadership Program and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan with support from the University of Michigan Office of Research and Institute for Research on Women and Gender.

  2. Forensic Interviewing of Children

    March 15, 2019 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    This is an advanced methods mini-course focused on forensic interviewing of children. The mini-course is particularly relevant to interviewing children alleged to have been sexually abused, but also be relevant to gathering information from children about a spectrum of traumatic experiences. This mini-course will provide a critical review of the evidence/research that is relied upon in forensic interviewing of children and will provide information about best practice. The course takes a child-centered/social justice approach, will admonish professionals to take into account the child's needs, developmental stage, and functioning, as well as the specifics of the allegations, when conducting forensic interviews. ...

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  3. Know your rights: Understanding Immigration Policies to Support Clients

    March 15, 2019 - 10:00 AM ET

    Join us on Wednesday March 27th from 6-9 in the School of Social Work building Room 1840 for the Know your rights: Understanding Immigration Policies to Support Clients event. This will be a panel discussion and workshop on a social workers role in supporting immigrant and refugee clients.

    Come hear from the Jewish Family Services and the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center on tangible ways to gain knowledge about immigration policy and procedures, how to implement the knowledge into your social work practice and how to best support clients.

    To attend this event please RSVP by Monday March 25th at 5pm. This event is open to the public and there are only 30 available spots. If you have further questions please feel free to email the Office of Global Activities at: [email protected]

    Click here to RSVP »

  4. Mary Sue and Kenneth Coleman Student Global Experience Fund Spring/Summer term Application Deadline

    March 15, 2019 (all day)

    This opportunity is being offered to students by past University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman who wanted to ensure that more students travel abroad to experience other cultures firsthand, seek solutions to world problems and learn to thrive in a dynamic global environment. To learn more about the Mary Sue and Kenneth Coleman Student Global Experience Fund click here.

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