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Showing events on December 12, 2018

  1. Exam/paper period begins (12/12 - 12/18)

    December 12, 2018 ET

  2. Poverty Solutions at CASC Drop In

    December 12, 2018 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Interested in learning more about the Poverty Solutions Certificate? Meet a Poverty Solutions representative 1-2PM during our CASC office hours!

    The Poverty Solutions certificate is co-sponsored by the School of Social Work’s CASC Minor program and Poverty Solutions, a presidential initiative that seeks to leverage the intellectual assets and academic scope of the university toward preventing and alleviating poverty. 

    Students in the certificate program will have the opportunity to:

    Attend Poverty Solutions’ events and activities

    Develop connections with Poverty Solutions faculty and staff on issues related to economic inequality

    Engage in experiential learning with Poverty Solutions partner organizations and communities through social action

    Participate in Poverty Solutions research, steering committees, small grant opportunities, and other student driven activities


December 2018

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