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Showing events on November 12, 2018

  1. Day of Caring

    November 12, 2018 - 10:45 AM ET

    Join others for a 1-2 hour shift from 9am - 3pm to help with special projects around the shelter. Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. If you can bring extra cleaning supplies it will be greatly appreciated. Please follow this link and scroll to 11/17 to inform the shelter that you will be coming.

    We hope to see some familiar Social Work faces at the following events. Please reach out to me or Geena Moreno ([email protected]) if you have any questions or concerns. 

    Geena Moreno will be waiting in front of the SSW at 8:30am

  2. Teaching Drop-in Session

    November 12, 2018 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    This fall, the SSW is hosting a regular series of support activities around teaching. These have been designed as a result of requests from faculty. 

    Drop-in instructor sessions. These sessions may have loose topics but will be largely open for instructors to ask questions and give/gain support from peers around teaching. Blue Jeans call-in options will be available.

    These sessions are available to all course instructors. A schedule of dates and events is below.  

    Drop-in sessions:

    10/2/2018, 8:00 AM–9:00 AM, 1840 SSWB

    11/12/2018, 5:00 PM–6:00 PM, 1840 SSWB


    11/12 Blue Jeans connection details:

    Dial: (734) 763-1841 or (888) 240-2560

    Enter the meeting ID: 818-361-572


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