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Showing events on October 4, 2018

  1. Optional Field Goal Statement and Resume Review Deadline

    October 4, 2018 (all day)

    Students submitting a field application for a Winter 2019 field start can have their Goal Statement and resumes reviewed by the Office of Career Services Writing Center if they choose.

    Contact [email protected] with questions or to set an appointment.

  2. A Panel Discussion on Global Inclusion & Exclusion

    October 4, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Eduardo Marques, a professor from the University of Azores, Portugal is visiting U-M SSW during the first week of October with two of his students. He is working with Dr. Mieko Yoshihama on a PhotoVoice project about social inclusion and exclution. On Thursday, October 4, Dr. Yoshihama invites Eduardo, Dr. Odessa Ganzalez-Benson from SSW, and Ana Paula Pimentel Walker - an assistant professor from Urban and Regional Planning to join a panel discussion about global inclusion and exclusion. After the panel discussion, there will be a mini-PhotoVoice Presentation from the CrossAtlantic Action Research Team.

    RSVP here »

    This event is presented by the Global Social Work Student Association and the CrossAtlantic Action Research.

  3. Michigan Medicine Inclusion and Growth for Healthcare Transformation (M.I.G.H.T.) Disability Awareness Symposium Michigan Medicine Inclusion and Growth for Healthcare Transformation (M.I.G.H.T.) Disability Awareness Symposium

    October 4, 2018 - 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM ET

    Keynote speaker: Karin Muraszko, M.D., Julian T. Hoff Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Michigan

    The Council for Disability Concerns produces an annual series of events designed to raise awareness of disability topics on campus and in our community. All events are free and everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed, contact [email protected]  at least one week in advance.

    Investing in Ability Events

  4. Chicago Graduate School Fair

    October 4, 2018 - 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET

    Stop by the Graduate School Fair to speak with an admissions representative about U-M's MSW and PhD programs. The fair is free and open to anyone considering graduate school.

    Click here to learn about Chicago Idealist Grad Fair

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