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Showing events on September 12, 2018

  1. Unite for Social Change Fall 2018 Kick-Off Unite for Social Change Fall 2018 Kick-Off

    September 12, 2018 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

    Unite for Social Change is a U-M School of Social Work initiative that aims to bring members of the U-M School of Social Work community together. Given the elections happening during the Fall semester, the goal of this kick-off event is to promote understanding about barriers to civic engagement, and to encourage civic action. Activities for the day will include pre-panel activities, panel discussion, and hands-on breakout sessions where participants can learn more about work happening in the community and how they can build and apply their skills to move political social change.

    *  Please note that there are limited spaces for the panel discussion and breakout sessions. We will try our best to accommodate all registrants. However, first come, first served. Based on the time of your registration, you may be invited to join the sessions through live-streaming.

    RSVP here »

  2. Field Placement Verification Due

    September 12, 2018 - 5:00 PM ET

    All students currently enrolled in field (SW515 or SW691) must turn in the Field Placement Verification form by this deadline. This form is considered complete after your Field Instructor signs off on it.

    This form only applies to students currently registered for field.

  3. New York Graduate School Fair

    September 12, 2018 - 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET

    Stop by the Graduate School Fair to speak with an admissions representative about U-M's MSW and PhD programs. The fair is free and open to anyone considering graduate school. 

    Click here to learn about the New York Idealist Grad Fair


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