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Showing events on July 19, 2018

  1. Exploring the Spectrum of Gender Expression A lecture & discussion

    July 19, 2018 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET

    In mid-July OLLI presents a lecture on gender non-conforming persons in the Summer Lecture Series, “Voices of Local Minorities.” This After 5 program is a follow up to that lecture. Our panel will share stories about personal struggles and rewards.

    Meet a married transman who is the father of two young children, a female Native American Shaman healer, and a woman who identifies as gender non-conforming. Sarah Weinstein will act as panel moderator. Join us in this discussion on gender perspectives.

    After 5 events are open to the public, and do not require OLLI membership.

    Cost is $10.00

July 2018

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